Make your Career a Journey: Exploring International Career Moves

In an increasingly globalised world, taking your professional career abroad is more tantalising than ever, especially for insolvency, restructuring, and audit professionals. Locations like the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, and the Channel Islands offer unique opportunities and experiences. However, embarking on such a journey requires careful consideration and thorough research.

Pros of Making an International Career Move:

  • Professional Growth: International experience is highly valued and can significantly enhance your resume, offering you a competitive edge in the job market.
  • Cultural Exposure: Living and working in a new country enriches your personal and professional life, broadening your perspectives.
  • Networking Opportunities: Building a global professional network can open doors to unforeseen opportunities and collaborations.
  • Quality of Life: Many seek international moves for the promise of a better work-life balance, particularly in locations known for their scenic beauty and relaxed lifestyle.

Cons to Consider:

  • Cultural and Professional Adjustments: Adapting to a new work culture and professional practices can be challenging and requires flexibility and open-mindedness.
  • Regulatory Hurdles: Visa requirements and recognition of qualifications can present obstacles.
  • Personal Sacrifices: Moving abroad often means being far from family and friends, which can be a significant emotional consideration.
  • Financial Implications: The cost of relocation and the economic stability of your chosen location should be thoroughly researched.

Before You Leap: Research Tips

  • Understand Visa Requirements: Each destination has specific visa requirements for working professionals. Understanding these requirements is crucial in planning a successful move.
  • Evaluate the Job Market: Research the demand for your skills and expertise in the desired location. Websites, professional forums, and specialist recruitment agencies (Levitate Recruitment) can offer valuable insights.
  • Consider the Cost of Living: Ensure your potential earnings will support your lifestyle in the new country. Consider housing, healthcare, education, and daily living expenses.
  • Cultural Fit: Investigate the cultural norms and work-life balance in your potential new home. Will it suit your personal and professional style?
  • Professional Recognition: Check if your professional qualifications are recognised or if you’ll need additional certifications. 

Preparing for Your Move:

  • Networking: Connect with professionals already working in your target location. They can provide firsthand insights and advice.
  • Financial Planning: Save and plan for initial expenses. Consider the cost of living adjustments and any potential gaps in employment.
  • Embrace Flexibility: Be open to starting in a role that might not be your dream job but serves as a valuable stepping stone.


An international career move can be a life-changing adventure, offering unparalleled professional and personal growth opportunities. However, success in this endeavour requires thorough preparation, from understanding visa requirements to assessing the professional landscape. For insolvency, restructuring, and audit professionals eyeing the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, or the Channel Islands, the world truly is your oyster. With the right approach, you can turn the dream of an international career into a rewarding reality.

If you’re contemplating an International or local career move and are open to discussing your options or want to get a feel of the market, I’m here for a straightforward, commitment-free chat. Send me an email at to arrange a call.

My views are based on my 17 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


Finding your perfect match: Targeting the Job That’s Right for You

Deciding to change jobs is a significant moment in anyone’s career, especially when you realise that your current position or firm can’t provide what you’re seeking for your professional growth. Finding and securing the job that’s truly meant for you requires more than just luck; it requires precision, understanding, and a bit of strategy.

Identifying Your Professional Desires

Before you set out on your job search, take a moment to reflect on what’s crucial for you in your next role. Consider what might be lacking in your current position: Is it growth opportunities, a more suitable company culture, or perhaps the scope of work? Pinpointing what you want to change is the first step in seeking what will satisfy you in a new role.

Thinking Long-Term

It’s easy to focus on the immediate benefits of a new job, but your career is a marathon, not a sprint. Your longer-term aspirations should guide your job search. Where do you see yourself in five or ten years, and what kind of role will help you get there? Thinking ahead can help ensure that your next move is not just a stopgap but a stepping stone to bigger and better achievements.

Weighing Your Priorities

When considering a career move, several factors come into play: salary, role and responsibilities, job title, and the type or size of the firm. It’s essential to order these in terms of importance to you. For some, a higher salary might be crucial, while others might prioritise the role and what it entails. Understanding your priorities helps in filtering out opportunities that don’t align with your career goals.

Being Open to Possibilities

The ideal job might not always be with the firms that are household names. Sometimes, lesser-known companies offer incredible growth opportunities, unique cultures, and roles that big-name firms can’t match. Be open to exploring these options. Attending meetings and interviews with various firms allows you to gather firsthand information about what they offer, directly “from the horse’s mouth.”

Navigating Your Job Search with a Specialist Recruiter

Once you’ve honed in on what’s crucial for your next role and how it fits into your broader career goals, partnering with a specialist recruiter becomes a pivotal step in the journey toward your ideal job. A specialist recruiter doesn’t just send your resume to potential employers; they become your career advocate, offering tailored advice and access to opportunities that align with your professional aspirations. Here’s how a specialist recruiter can transform your job search:

  • Expert Guidance: A specialist recruiter understands the ins and outs of your industry. They can provide invaluable insights into the market, helping you to navigate the landscape more effectively. This includes identifying roles that match not only your skills and experience but also your career ambitions.
  • Access to Hidden Opportunities: Many of the best opportunities never make it to job boards. Specialist recruiters have established networks and relationships with key employers in your field, providing you with access to unadvertised roles that could be your perfect match.
  • Personalised Approach: Unlike general job applications, a specialist recruiter will work closely with you to understand your priorities, strengths, and the kind of company culture you thrive in. This personalised approach ensures that you’re matched with roles that genuinely fit your career path and personal goals.
  • Interview Preparation: Beyond basic interview prep, specialist recruiters can offer insights into the specific company’s culture, the interviewers’ expectations, and how to effectively communicate your value. This bespoke preparation can significantly increase your chances of making a lasting impression.
  • Negotiation and Advocacy: When it comes to discussing offers, a specialist recruiter can advocate on your behalf, ensuring that you receive a package that reflects your worth. Their expertise in negotiation can often result in better terms than you might secure on your own.

Partnering with a specialist recruiter is about more than finding a new job; it’s about strategically advancing your career with guidance from someone who knows your industry inside out. They’re your partner in not just finding a job but in crafting a career that’s as fulfilling as it is ambitious.


Finding the job that’s right for you requires knowing what you want, understanding where you’re headed, and being open to the myriad ways to get there. With a clear vision, an open mind, and a determined pursuit, you’re not just leaving your career to chance—you’re actively shaping it to be as fulfilling as possible. Remember, the best career move is one that not only meets your current needs but also propels you toward your ultimate professional goals.

If you’re contemplating a career move and are open to discussing your options or want to get a feel of the market, I’m here for a straightforward, commitment-free chat. Send me an email at to arrange a call.

My views are based on my 17 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


From Breakup to Makeup: Rekindling Your Relationship with Your Job

One of the first questions I ask candidates is why they are looking to make a move. After listening to their reasons, it often becomes apparent that the issues leading them to consider a departure could potentially be resolved with internal conversations. Many candidates start to explore new opportunities before assessing whether their current grievances can be addressed. It’s a common scenario that highlights a critical aspect of career navigation—communication.


Candidates frequently express that they love everything about their job except for one specific issue. This could range from feeling underpaid, sensing a lack of progression or variety in their role, or even personal disagreements with a colleague. These are significant concerns that can impact job satisfaction and overall happiness at work. However, they are not always insurmountable.


As a recruiter, the objective isn’t merely to facilitate career moves. As a specialist in insolvency and accountancy practice a crucial part of my role is to ensure that candidates are making the best decisions for their career paths. If the best place for a candidate is within their current role, then I will advise them accordingly.


I’ve had two candidates recently who, following our discussions, acted on my advice to address their concerns internally. They later returned to me with news that they had successfully resolved their issues. This outcome is not uncommon and serves as a powerful reminder of the potential benefits of open dialogue within the workplace.


Strategies for Overcoming Job Dissatisfaction

Identify the Core Issue: It’s essential to pinpoint exactly what’s leading to your dissatisfaction. Is it the salary? Lack of growth opportunities? Or perhaps it’s the work environment? Identifying the root cause is the first step toward addressing it.

Open Communication: Approach your manager or HR department to discuss your concerns. Preparation is key—outline your points clearly and suggest possible solutions or compromises. Remember, it’s a discussion, not a demand.

Seek Progression Opportunities: If you feel stuck in your current role, inquire about potential training, mentoring, or projects that could expand your skills and responsibilities. Expressing your desire to grow within the company can open doors.

Address Interpersonal Conflicts: If your dissatisfaction stems from personal conflicts, consider mediation or a facilitated discussion with HR. Workplaces are communities, and like any community, conflicts may arise but can also be resolved through communication.

Negotiate Your Salary: Feeling underpaid can significantly impact your job satisfaction. Research industry standards for your role and prepare to discuss your compensation. Be ready to highlight your contributions and achievements. Utilise a specialist recruiter in your industry to understand the current market rates.

Consider Flexibility: If a lack of variety is the issue, propose taking on different tasks or projects. Sometimes, the solution could be as simple as diversifying your workload.


Why Communication is Key

Many concerns that lead individuals to consider leaving their jobs are, at their core, communication issues. Whether it’s not feeling heard, valued, or understood, the gap often lies in unexpressed expectations or needs. By initiating conversations, you’re not only addressing your current dissatisfaction but also paving the way for a more open, inclusive, and satisfying work environment.


The Importance of Resolving Concerns Before Seeking a New Role

Before embarking on the process of looking for a new job, it’s crucial to exhaust all avenues for resolving existing issues within your current role. This pre-emptive approach not only provides clarity on whether the grass is genuinely greener elsewhere but also prevents the potential for regret. Imagine going through the exhaustive process of job hunting, only to find that a simple conversation could have addressed your concerns, rendering your search unnecessary. More so, resolving issues internally first can provide a strong foundation if you do decide to leave, ensuring you’re moving forward for the right reasons, rather than escaping unresolved problems. This strategic step can transform your career path, making each move a positive leap towards your ultimate career goals.


Recruiters as Career Advisors

The role of a recruiter extends beyond matching candidates with job openings. We’re career advisors, and part of that role involves helping candidates navigate their current roles as much as finding new ones. Sometimes, the best move for your career is to stay put and grow within your current firm.


In conclusion, before deciding to leave your job, consider the potential of a ‘makeup’ with your current role. Assess whether your issues can be resolved through internal channels. Remember, a successful career is not just about the work you do but also about how you navigate challenges and seek solutions. If, after exploring these avenues, you find that moving on is the best option, then you can do so knowing you’ve made a well-informed decision. At the end of the day, whether you’re looking to make an immediate change or planning for the future, open, honest communication is often the key to unlocking your career’s full potential.

If you’re contemplating a career move and are open to discussing your options or want to get a feel of the market, I’m here for a straightforward, commitment-free chat. Send me an email at to arrange a call.

My views are based on my 17 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


Insolvency and Restructuring Careers in the Caribbean: A Guide to Opportunities

You’ve spent the day working and learning on some of the most interesting and challenging assignments you’ve had exposure to. The sun is shining as you walk across the beach on your short commute home. Checking your payslip, you see that you have had zero tax deducted and start planning your weekend break in the states…sounds like a dream doesn’t it!

The reality is, that there are opportunities that will offer you all the above and much much more.

In the Caribbean and Bermuda, the Insolvency and Restructuring job market is as buoyant as it has ever been. There is a range of Restructuring Boutiques and Accountancy Practices across the islands actively seeking experienced Insolvency and Restructuring professionals to join their growing teams.

Key Locations

The main locations include;

  • Cayman Islands
  • British Virgin Islands
  • Bahamas
  • Bermuda

The islands are proud of their beautiful white sandy beaches, crystal clear oceans and diverse marine life. There is something for everyone; be it surfing, scuba diving, sailing snorkelling, sunbathing, sipping cocktails in stunning locations or sampling the unique and mouth-watering cuisine. The islands have rich multicultural populations with people relocating from all over the world to live and work in the Caribbean. With companies having to hire certain expertise from overseas, the islands have established expat communities always looking to welcome newcomers.

The islands boast an extremely buoyant tourist industry which adds further diversity and vibrancy. The tourism industry attracts considerable government investment in the islands’ infrastructure making the quality of life extremely high.

Companies actively organise and promote internal and external social events to ensure that their people integrate and settle well into island life.

The islands are well situated to allow easy travel to the US, Central and South America and the wider Caribbean region for short or long breaks.

For those with families, the islands have very low crime rates and offer a diverse and safe environment for children to grow and learn. There are a number of international schools providing a first-class education and an enriched environment to enhance and nurture personal development.

The islands offer something for everyone, whether relocating on your own or with a family.

What are the opportunities?

Companies looking to hire Insolvency and Restructuring professionals from overseas are well-known Big 4 / Top 10 International Accountancy Practices as well as Restructuring Boutiques and offshore specialists. Each offers a different infrastructure, culture and professional development to its employees. With the recent growth in the Insolvency/Restructuring markets offshore, roles are available across all levels;

  • Senior Administrator
  • Manager
  • Senior Manager
  • Director

Job opportunities are offered on a permanent basis as opposed to a fixed-term contract. There is an expectation that those that relocate will eventually look to return to their home country or elsewhere, companies will typically look to retain someone for a minimum of 2 years.

Although many relocators may initially approach these moves with a 2-year timeframe, a significant number have remained for many years longer. A high number of Insolvency Partners and Directors across the firms in the Caribbean initially made the moves as Seniors or Managers, which demonstrates how you can achieve a high level of career progression coupled with a great quality of life.

The variety of work

Due to the nature of most offshore locations, a large percentage of the insolvency work comes from the financial services industry. The source of work can come from a range of companies that operate in multiple jurisdictions and include; Hedge Funds, Captive Insurance and Reinsurance companies as well as International Business companies.

There is a mix of formal insolvency, advisory, investigations and forensic work being undertaken, and you can expect your caseload to include a mix of;

  • Voluntary Liquidations
  • Compulsory Liquidations
  • Contentious cases
  • Cross-border insolvency
  • Receiverships and administrative receiverships
  • Business and Liquidity Reviews
  • Multi-faceted litigations,
  • Investigations, Forensic and advisory engagements of all types.

The scale of the work can range from the millions to the billions. The assignments will include a lot of litigation work based on the size of the projects and are at the cutting edge of cross-border insolvency.


Due to the nature of the work, these projects will take you all over the world. It is not unusual to have assignments that have assets in the UK, US, Russia, South Africa, Australia, France and many other locations.

Based on work permit requirements and typical local insolvency/restructuring experience in the country someone is relocating from, companies are typically seeking insolvency professionals from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the US.

Alongside several years working in an insolvency/restructuring position, a formal accountancy or insolvency qualification is required. These include; ACA/ACCA/CA/CPA or JIEB. In some instances, the CPI qualification may be considered.

The process

The interview process is relatively straight forward with most companies carrying out 2-3 interviews before making an offer. Interviews are mainly conducted by phone or video conference. In some instances, there may be face-to-face interviews.

The process from the first interview to starting the role could be between 2 and 4 months. Notice periods play a big factor, and we would always advise you not to hand your notice in until your work permit is confirmed.

Salaries are very competitive and depending on location will be tax-free with excellent benefits. To assist you with your relocation, companies will provide you with work permit sponsorship, flights, temporary accommodation upon arrival and in some instances; 2-4 weeks’ car/moped hire and an interest-free loan to help you settle in.

As with anything, there are always negatives that may not be for everyone.

The cost of living can be considered high due to many items being imported, however, the level of salary and the fact they are tax-free (or low tax) more than compensate for this.

Another thing to consider is that due to the tropical nature of the islands, they do have their fair share of hurricanes and tropical storms, though the islands are well prepared and equipped for these.

In conclusion

A career move to the Caribbean/Bermuda can provide you with an excellent platform to develop your professional and personal development with a stable work/life balance in a tropical environment.

An offshore job market is an exciting place for insolvency and restructuring professionals at present. It offers the opportunity to work on complex, multi-faceted insolvency cases and provides those who relocate the chance to travel, experience new cultures and build new friendships in some of the most beautiful locations in the world.

*The Channel Islands are also another location to consider if you are looking to take your career offshore.

If you would like to discuss insolvency/restructuring opportunities in the Caribbean, please do not hesitate to contact me –

Leaving on Good Terms: How to Resign When Your Manager Is Not Expecting It

Handing in your notice, especially when your manager is not expecting it, can be a delicate situation to navigate. The key lies in handling the process professionally and with a degree of empathy, understanding that your departure might come as a surprise to your manager. Here’s how to approach this situation thoughtfully.


Prepare Yourself

Before you approach your manager, be clear about your reasons for leaving. Whether it’s for career advancement, personal reasons, or seeking a new challenge, being sure of your decision helps in conveying it confidently and sincerely. Remember, it’s normal to feel anxious about this conversation, but preparation can ease some of that anxiety.


Choose the Right Time and Place

Timing is crucial. Find a moment when your manager is least likely to be stressed or overwhelmed. Avoid busy periods or right before a significant meeting. Request a private meeting to ensure you have a confidential and uninterrupted space to talk.


Be Direct but Tactful

Start the conversation with a positive note about your experience in the role. Then, be straightforward about your decision. For example:

“I’ve really valued my time here and have learned a great deal. However, after careful consideration, I’ve decided to move on to a new opportunity that aligns more closely with my career goals.”


Be Prepared for a Reaction

Your manager might be surprised, disappointed, or even upset. Be prepared for a range of emotions and try to remain calm and professional throughout. It’s important to listen to their response and acknowledge their feelings.


Offer Support During the Transition

Assure your manager that you intend to make the transition as smooth as possible. Offer to help train a replacement or to document your current projects and processes. This shows that you are responsible and considerate of the team you’re leaving behind.


Stick to Your Decision

Sometimes, your manager might offer a counter-proposal to entice you to stay. If you’re firm in your decision to leave, politely decline. It’s important to stay committed to your choice and express it respectfully.


Submit a Formal Resignation Letter

Following your conversation, submit a formal resignation letter. It’s customary to provide at least the notice period outlined in your contract, typically ranging from one to three months. Your letter doesn’t need to detail your reasons for leaving but should state your intention to resign and your proposed last day of work.


Handle the Exit Interview with Care

If your company conducts an exit interview, use it as an opportunity to provide constructive feedback. However, maintain a positive tone and resist the urge to air any grievances negatively.


Maintain Professional Relationships

Your professional paths may cross again in the future, so it’s important to leave on good terms. Express gratitude for the opportunities you’ve been given and keep the lines of communication open.



Resigning, especially unexpectedly, can be a daunting prospect. But with the right approach, you can ensure that you leave your current role on a positive and professional note. Remember, moving on to new opportunities is a natural part of your career journey. Handling it with grace and professionalism reflects well on you and helps maintain important professional relationships in the long term.


If you’re contemplating a career move and are open to discussing your options or want to get a feel of the market, I’m here for a straightforward, commitment-free chat. Send me an email at to arrange a call.

My views are based on my 15 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.



The Work’s Christmas Party – Be aware!

It’s that time of year again! The work Christmas parties are all booked in. Christmas is a time of celebration and is a good excuse to throw a party at work to close out the year. The work Christmas party has something of a reputation for being a place where people drink too much and possibly do something they might regret, which is made even worse when your job is involved.

At Levitate Recruitment we typically receive two or three calls in December/January from individuals looking for a new role citing the Christmas party as a reason they are seeking a new job.

It’s important to know how to behave at a work’s Christmas party, so here are some tips;

  • The most important thing to remember is that the party is technically still an extension of the workplace, even if you don’t get paid to attend. Whether the party happens at your actual workplace is irrelevant; what matters is that you’re essentially representing your employers and so should behave in a professional way.
  • The party will more than likely involve some senior figures within your firm, which makes it even more important to behave appropriately. Make sure you know who they are, and if possible, say hello and thank them for the party. Not only is this good for scoring brownie points, but it should also help to remind you to behave yourself.
  • Use the party as a chance to mingle with colleagues you don’t work closely with rather than just sticking to the same group. An office party is a great place to chat to colleagues you don’t spend much time with, or just haven’t gotten to know yet. Parties are a perfect networking opportunity, especially if you’ve been thinking about promotion recently.
  • Try to stay away from office gossip wherever possible. It’s fine to make small talk with your colleagues and would be rude not to, but try to avoid speaking negatively about other people, or spreading rumours about them.
  • You may have an issue with one of your colleagues. The Christmas party is not the best place to try to resolve it. You are all there to enjoy a party and not discuss frustrations with each other. It’s best to avoid them and try to resolve the situation once you are back in the office on a workday.
  • Alcohol; we all know our limits. It’s easy to get carried away especially when there may be a free bar. Having too much to drink is the most common reason for things going wrong.

Enjoying yourself at your office Christmas party shouldn’t feel like a challenge, but it’s important to remember that it’s not a regular party with your regular social circle. It’s an extension of your workplace, and so you should still act in a professional way. Using the opportunity to show yourself as a professional, sociable employee makes much more sense than doing something regrettable. Be sure to have a good time, but don’t forget who you’re with.

Remember, what happens at the Christmas party does NOT always stay at the Christmas party!

For advice about your career options, contact Levitate Recruitment. We are specialists in assisting practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals secure new opportunities across the UK and Overseas.


New Year, New Opportunities, New You: Kickstarting Your Career Search for 2024

As 2023 winds down, professionals across the board are contemplating their next career moves. For those in insolvency or accountancy eyeing a fresh start in 2024, the question is: when is the ideal time to start the job search process? In this post, we will delve into why starting now, rather than later, could set you on a smoother path to your dream job.


Understanding Your Career Aspirations: The first step in any job search is introspection. What are your career goals? What kind of work environment do you thrive in? These are crucial questions to ask yourself. When you initiate the process early, you give yourself ample time to align your aspirations with potentially suitable opportunities. Engaging with a recruitment specialist quickly translates to a quicker understanding of your career goals and aspirations, which is a significant first step in the journey.

Identifying the right opportunities: The job market is ever-evolving, and opportunities come and go. By starting your search now, you place yourself in an advantageous position to tap into the current market’s offerings. Our role as recruiters is to identify potential opportunities that align with your career aspirations, and doing this early ensures you don’t miss out on any gems in the market.

The Interview Process: Securing interviews is a crucial part of the job search. The sooner you begin, the quicker you can find yourself in the interview chair, discussing your potential future with a prospective employer. This step is not just about impressing the interviewer; it’s a chance for you to assess whether the role and company align with your career goals.

Securing and Negotiating Offers: Negotiating an offer is an art. When you have ample time on your side, you’re in a better position to evaluate and negotiate offers. This ensures that when you do accept an offer, it’s the right one for you.

Considering Notice Periods: Notice periods are integral to the job change process. Depending on your current role’s requirements, this could range from a few weeks to several months. By starting early, you give yourself, and your future employer, the flexibility to work with these timelines, ensuring a smooth transition.

The Early Bird Catches the Worm: There’s a saying, “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” This rings especially true in job searching. The early bird catches the best opportunities. Starting now means you’re proactive, engaged, and ready for what the future holds.

Navigating the New Year Rush: January is traditionally a busy time for both candidates and clients. Candidates are looking for new opportunities, and clients are returning to the office, ready to kickstart the year. However, this can also mean that the market is saturated, and the competition is fierce. By starting your search now, you navigate around this rush, placing yourself ahead of the curve.


The Pros of Starting Now:

  • Access to Current Opportunities: The job market is ripe with opportunities right now. By starting your search, you ensure that you have access to these roles, many of which might be filled come the New Year.
  • Extra Time for Job Searching: The end of the year can be slower for some industries, providing you with extra time to dedicate to your job search.
  • Potential for an Early Start: Depending on notice periods and how quickly you secure a role, you could potentially start your new position before the year ends, giving you a head start on 2024.

The Cons:

  • Potential for Rush Decisions: Starting early is beneficial, but it’s also important not to rush. Ensure that any decision made is well thought out and right for your career.
  • Navigating Holiday Schedules: The end of the year is filled with holidays, which can mean that key decision-makers are out of the office. This could potentially slow down the process.


In the competitive world of insolvency and accountancy, timing is everything. Starting your job search now positions you ahead of the curve, providing access to opportunities that might not be available in the New Year rush. It gives you the time to navigate the process, from understanding your career aspirations to negotiating offers, ensuring that when you do make a move, it’s the right one for you. Are you ready to take the leap and start afresh in 2024? The time is now.


If you’re contemplating a career move and are open to discussing your options or want to get a feel of the market (now or further into 2024), I’m here for a straightforward, commitment-free chat. Send me an email at to arrange a call.

My views are based on my 15 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


The Double-Edged Sword of Remote Working

We have seen an increase in requests from candidates for remote working opportunities, however, we are seeing the opposite for the majority of our clients, who are requesting staff are office-based more than home.

The shift towards remote working, driven largely by the global pandemic, undoubtedly changed the landscape of many professions, including those in the insolvency and accountancy practice sectors. Firms worldwide embraced this change, with many employees relishing the chance to work in their home environment, away from the daily commute and office politics. However, while the advantages of remote work are plenty and often discussed, it’s crucial to shed light on potential pitfalls, particularly regarding personal development and progression.

The Positives: The Bright Side of Remote Work

Before delving into the challenges, it’s only fair to highlight some of the significant benefits of remote working:

  • Flexibility: Working from home often offers flexibility in hours, allowing employees to strike a more harmonious work-life balance.
  • Reduced Commute: No more rush-hour traffic or packed trains, which saves time and reduces daily stress.
  • Cost Savings: Employees save on daily expenses such as travel, meals, and professional attire.
  • Increased Productivity: Many find that they can concentrate better at home, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

The Flip Side: Potential Barriers to Development and Progression

However, remote working is not without its challenges, especially when considering the nuances of roles within insolvency and accountancy.

  • Reduced Face-to-Face Interactions: There’s something about in-person communication that virtual platforms can’t replicate. For roles in accountancy and insolvency, where networking and relationship-building are paramount, the lack of face-to-face interactions can be detrimental. It’s through these interactions that many opportunities arise, be it new client work, cross-departmental projects, or even promotions.
  • Learning On The Job: Particularly for those in the early stages of their career, being physically present in the office offers a chance to learn by observation. Witnessing how senior practitioners handle complex situations, or simply absorbing the office dynamics, is harder to achieve remotely.
  • Visibility and Recognition: Out of sight can, unfortunately, mean out of mind. Those working remotely might find it harder to showcase their achievements or be recognized for their efforts, which could impact promotional opportunities.
  • Feedback Loop Delays: Instant feedback is invaluable. In an office, a senior can quickly guide or correct a junior colleague. In a remote setting, these feedback loops might be extended, which could slow down the learning process.
  • Isolation and Well-being: Feeling isolated can have a significant impact on an employee’s well-being, potentially affecting job satisfaction, performance, and overall career progression. While firms in insolvency and accountancy practice are known for their tight-knit communities, working remotely might make it challenging for some to feel connected.

Navigating Remote Work Successfully

While the challenges are real, they aren’t insurmountable. Here are some ways to ensure you continue to progress in your career, even when working remotely:

  • Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular one-on-ones with your seniors and team. This not only ensures you’re on the right track but also keeps you visible.
  • Networking: Just because it’s remote work doesn’t mean networking should stop. Attend virtual events, webinars, and training specific to insolvency and accountancy practice to stay connected.
  • Seek Feedback: If you feel you aren’t getting enough feedback, ask for it. Regularly touch base with your mentors or colleagues for insights into your performance.
  • Continuous Learning: Make use of online courses and resources. In the rapidly evolving fields of insolvency and accountancy, staying updated is crucial.

In Conclusion

Remote working, while offering numerous benefits, does come with challenges, especially concerning career progression. But by being proactive, seeking feedback, and staying connected, those in insolvency and accountancy practices can continue to grow, develop, and achieve their career aspirations, irrespective of where they’re working.

My views are based on my 15 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


Asking The “Reservation Question” in Interviews

An interview process is a two-way street. Not only is the interviewer evaluating the candidate, but the candidate is also assessing the company and the role. While many candidates are prepared with a list of questions to ask at the end of an interview, there’s one question that every candidate should ask the interviewer: “Do you have any reservations about my suitability for this opportunity?

Let’s explore why this question is turning heads and how candidates can wield it effectively.

Why The “Reservation Question” is Significant 

  • Demonstrates Confidence: By directly addressing potential doubts or gaps in one’s profile, candidates show a level of self-assuredness. They’re not shying away from their weaknesses but are instead keen to address them head-on.
  • Puts the Interviewer in a Reflective Position: This question requires the interviewer to critically evaluate the interview while it’s still fresh, allowing candidates to gauge the interviewer’s initial reactions.
  • Offers Instant Feedback: Instead of waiting anxiously for feedback after the interview, candidates get a real-time insight into how the interview went, and where they might stand.
  • Opportunity for Immediate Clarification: If there’s a particular aspect the interviewer is uncertain about, the candidate gets the chance to clarify or provide additional details then and there.

Benefits for the Candidate

  • Addressing Misunderstandings: Perhaps the interviewer misunderstood a particular point or missed a detail on the candidate’s resume. This question gives candidates a platform to rectify that.
  • Highlighting Adaptability: Even if there’s a genuine skill gap, candidates can explain their learning agility, past experiences where they’ve quickly acquired new skills, or their strategy to bridge the gap swiftly.
  • Reaffirming Interest: By asking this question, candidates signal their strong interest in the role. They’re eager to understand the company’s concerns so they can address them — showing commitment and enthusiasm.

How Interviewers Might Perceive It

While many interviewers appreciate the frankness and confidence this question reflects, others might be caught off-guard. Some could view it as too forward or presumptive. However, the majority would value the candidate’s proactive approach and interest in personal growth.

Tips for Candidates

  • Be Genuinely Open to Feedback: Don’t ask this question if you are not prepared to hear constructive criticism. Embrace feedback with an open mind.
  • Be Prepared to Address Concerns: Think about potential reservations in advance and be ready with concise, effective responses.
  • Maintain a Positive Demeanour: If the interviewer does express reservations, respond gracefully. This is not a challenge but an opportunity to clarify or learn.


The “reservation question” is more than just a query. It’s a strategic move, designed to provide candidates with insight, offer clarification, and demonstrate confidence. For those bold enough to ask it, the rewards — in terms of feedback, opportunities to clarify, and impressions made — can be substantial. As the job market becomes increasingly competitive, standing out positively in the mind of an interviewer can make all the difference, and this question might be the key.

My views are based on my 15 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.


The Power of Internal Networking in Accountancy and Insolvency Practices

In the professional realm, the term ‘networking’ often conjures up images of industry events, B2B groups, or coffee meetings with potential clients or contacts outside one’s organisation.

However, a frequently overlooked, yet invaluable, networking terrain exists right under our noses: our very own workplace. For those in accountancy practices and insolvency specialists, internal networking is particularly crucial. Why? Let’s delve into the importance and benefits of connecting within the firm.

Why Internal Networking?

  • A rounded understanding of the Firm: Interacting with colleagues from different teams or departments provides a comprehensive view of the organisation’s operations. This perspective helps professionals better understand their role within the larger context and equips them to offer more integrated solutions to clients.
  • Mentorship Opportunities: Establishing relationships with seasoned professionals or higher-ups can provide mentorship opportunities, guiding younger professionals through the complexities of the industry.
  • Boosting Team Synergy: When you know your colleagues beyond their job titles, collaboration becomes smoother. It’s easier to approach someone you’ve had a conversation with for insights or assistance.
  • Unlocking Hidden Opportunities: Many opportunities or projects within firms aren’t advertised on official channels. They’re often filled through word of mouth. Networking internally can ensure you’re in the loop for these chances.
  • Personal Development: Engaging with a diverse group of professionals within the firm can expose you to different working styles, strategies, and perspectives. This variety is a rich resource for personal growth and skill enhancement.
  • Job Security and Progression: Building robust internal relationships can be a safeguard during tough times. When you’re known (and valued) by many, it’s less likely you’ll be the first on the chopping block. Moreover, if there are openings in senior roles or different departments, your internal connections can be your advocates.

Benefits of Networking Across Hierarchies

  • Peers: Networking with contemporaries offers peer support. They understand your challenges best, can provide real-time advice, and together, you can brainstorm innovative solutions.
  • Higher-ups: Forming relationships with senior professionals and decision-makers can be particularly beneficial. They can provide insights into the industry’s future trajectory, offer guidance based on their experiences, and may even consider you for high-profile projects or teams they’re leading.

Tips for Effective Internal Networking

  • Attend Company Events: Whether it’s a training session, team-building activity, or an informal get-together, ensure you’re present. These are excellent opportunities to interact and connect.
  • Volunteer for Cross-functional Teams: If there’s a cross-departmental project or committee, volunteer. It’s an excellent way to meet professionals from other areas of the firm.
  • Lunch and Coffee Breaks: Instead of heading out alone or always sitting with the same group, invite a colleague from another department or a senior you respect.
  • Be Genuine: Internal networking shouldn’t be approached with a transactional mindset. Seek genuine connections, be curious, and aim to learn.
  • Stay Updated: Keep yourself informed about the firm’s developments, industry news, and any training or courses that might benefit your role. Being knowledgeable makes you a valuable conversationalist.


Internal networking is a goldmine of opportunities, especially within accountancy practices and insolvency firms. It not only facilitates better working relationships and team dynamics but also paves the way for professional growth and advancement. As you navigate your career in this specialized industry, remember: sometimes, the most influential connections are just a desk or a floor away. Don’t miss out on them.

My views are based on my 15 years+ of recruiting for Accountancy Practice and Insolvency professionals.

For advice about your career options, speak to Scott Lowes at Levitate Recruitment, specialists in placing practice-trained accountants and insolvency professionals across the UK, and find the right role to suit your ambitions.

